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By Cpt. Christian Resch, Research and Development Manager CBRN Defence and C-IED, Federal Ministry of Defence Austria
The technological change of the last decades not...
By Lt. Col. of Engineers NIcolas Gerardo Pietrobelli, CO of the CBRN Engineers Company and Emergency Support 601 Argentinian Army
The Argentine Republic adhered to...
Director of the European Centre for Manual Neutralisation Capabilities and Commander of the EOD Training Center, Austria
Lt. Col. Juergen Pirolt began his military career...
By Anna Paternnosto, Vice-President CBRNe Society
On March 25-26 the CBRNe Society and IB Consultancy hosted the NCT PRO Philippines trainings organized in partnership with...
By Lt. Col. Tanos, Brazilian Military Institute of Engineering, and Prof. Kuča, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
“Newcomer” is the translation of the Russian...
By Thorsten Hackl, Radiation Expert and HAZMAT advisor a the Fire Department of Midden-West Brabant, The Netherlands
I am not sure why I keep returning...
OPCW Regional Instructor and Chemical Instructor in the School of Military Engineering of the National Army of the Republic of Uruguay
Former Lieutenant Andrea Fabiana...
By Colonel Friedrich Aflenzer, CBRND Officer- Force Development Division, Federal Ministry of Defence, Austria
The Austrian National Security Strategy (ANSS) considers defense policy as an...