Por Leonel Carlos Guerrieri
Punto Focal Regional de Explosivos para América del Sur, de la Unidad de Prevención del Terrorismo Químico y Explosivos, el Sr. Leonel Carlos Guerrieri explica el trabajo que direccionó esfuerzos policiales que contribuyó...
By CBNW Magazine
Ihor Bezkaravainyi talks to CBNW Magazine Editor Patrick Norén about the role of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in mine action, as well as the main demining challenges facing Ukraine, recent progress, and...
By Alfonso Sapp
Program Analyst at USCENTCOM Alfonso Sapp outlines and discusses interoperability between the U.S. and partner nations in the Middle East in countering...
Por May. Edmundo Mora
May. Edmundo Mora aborda los esfuerzos de Ecuador para enfrentar las amenazas NBQRe, destacando la preparación militar, el control de sustancias...
By Dr. Christopher G. Earnhart
“As the threat space has grown less predictable, it has become evident that preparedness must expand beyond a specific pathogen...
By Dr. Joshua Sinai
Dr. Joshua Sinai of Capitol Technology University analyzes six variables that determine whether a non-state actor may resort to CBRN weapons...
By Roman Yuriev, Serhii Burbela, and Natalia Kalyniuk
As Ukraine continues on its desired path towards NATO membership, Roman Yuriev, Serhii Burbela, and Natalia Kalyniuk...
Germany strengthens global chemical weapons ban with €500,000 contributions to OPCW programme
Germany’s voluntary contribution reinforces OPCW activities in relation to Ukraine.
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Por Col. Alexandre Vasconcelos
El Coronel Alexandre Vasconcelos detalla la larga historia de cooperación entre el Ejército Brasileño y la Organización para la Prohibición de...
By Chrysovalantis Fakos
Given the current geopolitical situation and strategic interest in the ‘‘high-north’’, it is imperative to train military personnel in CBRN warfare even in...
By Col. Carlos Ardanaz
Director of the Spanish CBRN School Col. Carlos Ardanaz discusses a collaborative NATO project to create a network of CBRN defense...