By Alfonso Sapp
Program Analyst at USCENTCOM Alfonso Sapp outlines and discusses interoperability between the U.S. and partner nations in the Middle East in countering weapons of mass destruction.
Webster’s defines interoperability as the ability of a system,...
By Roman Yuriev, Serhii Burbela, & Natalia Kalyniuk
Faced with a multitude of threats from different directions, Ukraine is drawing on academic knowledge exchange to improve CBRN personnel training, write Roman Yuriev, Serhii Burbela, and Natalia Kalyniuk...
By Marian Kolencik
President of ISEM Institute and CBRN security expert Marian Kolencik introduces a unique, specialized training exercise for security forces from the five...
By Lina Stahl
Lina Stahl of the German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) introduces their project to support Ukrainian authorities in bolstering their defenses against CBRN threats.
Since the eruption of conflict in...
By David Makan Masai
Expert and instructor David Makan Masai details recent CBRN trainings, exercises, and initiatives in Kenya, and outlines some challenges facing the...
By Ruud ter Linden
Sergeant First Class at the Dutch Defence CBRN Centre, Ruud ter Linden, presents a landmark international CBRN exercise that took place...
By Patrick Norén
CBNW Magazine Editor Patrick Norén investigates the first ever large-scale chemical emergency response exercise for African countries organized by the OPCW.
From September...
By CBNW Magazine
Taking place from September 23 to October 5, 2023, in the Algerian capital of Algiers, CHEMEX Africa was the first ever large-scale...
By Grigore Havarneanu
PROACTIVE coordinator Grigore Havarneanu discusses the main results and outputs of the four-year-long project to make CBRNe preparedness and response more inclusive.
The Asia-Pacific region (APAC) contains some of the world's most industrialized and rapidly industrializing countries, and is home to approximately 60% of the global...
By Mohamed Saho
The Bison Counter 23 International Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) exercise ended on Friday, November 24. Having been conducted in the Spanish cities...
By Yves Kovalevsky
Yves Kovalevsky discusses the growing importance and potential of virtual CBRN training solutions and introduces ERTC and NBC-Sys' ViRTTER program.
Today, the word...
By NCT Consultants
With the war in Ukraine ongoing and CBRNe risks stemming from Russian aggression omnipresent, national CBRNe response teams equipped cutting-edge technologies and...