Swedish EOD and Demining Centre
A Centre of Excellence in Steep Growth
The Swedish Armed Forces receives its fiscal framework and general assignments for a period of five years while the current Parliamentary Bill covers the period 2021 – 2025. During this time period the defence expenditures will increase by 40% with the aim of reaching 1,5% of GDP in the year of 2025. The ambition is to increase both the number of units and personnel together with a continued materiel modernisation. In parallel with the strengthening of the Armed Forces, the Cold War Concept of Total defence is also in reconstruction. The Swedish National EOD and Deming Centre is involved as a key player in both the Military and the Total Defence aspect.
By the 1st of July, a clear and very concrete move took place when the EOD and Military Search Company was transferred from the 2nd Engineer Regiment to SWEDEC, in order to organise development, intelligence, training and operational EOD and advanced search units under the command of CO SWEDEC, directly subordinated to the Chief of the Swedish Army. This creates a clear command structure with unified resources as well as a visible defence actor in a national context.

Swedish EOD and Demining Centre (SWEDEC)
The Swedish EOD and demining Centre (SWEDEC) is the Swedish Centre of Excellence in the field of explosive ordnance disposal and mine-clearing. SWEDEC personnel, consisting of about 200 people, includes military and civilian experts with extensive knowledge and practice in demining operations. All employees are on active duty, but in the coming years the operational units will include national servicemen (of both sexes) who can be mobilised in case of a national crises or mobilisation for war.
SWEDEC also contributes to increased safety and efficiency by delivering high-quality, accurate information and training. The organization provides technical and practical support, coordinates and manages materiel and method development in Explosive Ordnance Clearance (EOC). The operational mandate includes the implementation of national and international courses, facts gathering, as well as documentation and research in the area of Explosive Ordnance Disposal, new IED (Improvised Explosive Devices), new clearance methods, and new equipment.
Additionally, the Centre conducts training in various branches including the following: mine clearance, explosive ordnance disposal of conventional ammunition (CMD), clearance of improvised explosive devices (IED), clearance of biological and chemical ammunition (BCMD), as well as handling of explosive substances, such as those found in ammunition storages.

SWEDEC is organized in 3 divisions and 1 EOD Company. The work-flow process is described in the three stages as shown below:

The process starts with gathering and processing information and intel (image 01), continues with the development, testing and documentation of new methods and equipment (image 02) and lastly proceeds with the implementation of training, education and evaluation procedures (image 03). This process is ever ongoing and is connected to the three divisions at the centre part of SWEDEC: The divisions of Intelligence, Research and Development, and Training, Education and Evaluation one.
The division of intelligence collects and analyse national and international EOD and demining reports. After processing the information, the division delivers explosive threat assessments to the Swedish Armed Forces and to the Swedish National Police Bomb Squads. The Intel division also provides technical information on ammunition issues to a number of Swedish stakeholders. Furthermore, the EOD IS system, a Swedish Armed Forces object-specific ammunition technical information database, for military use, is in use in 14 cooperating countries.
Research and development
The division of Research and Development is responsible for the development of tools and equipment as well as new methods and standards. SWEDEC closely monitors relevant research and has a PhD-level research director employed for this purpose who participates in follow-up studies, research and development of technologies. The development of the various courses is an ongoing task. SWEDEC supports other Armed Forces’ units and schools through the contribution of personnel, information and material.
Training and education
A great number of the SWEDEC personnel is engaged in the field of training and education. Annually, SWEDEC gives a wide range of courses for naval, military and civilian operators; and from this year onward including its own Coy. The training division is responsible for assuring that the personnel working with EOD and Demining have the knowledge and skills required to perform the work safely. For instance, all units undergo pre-deployment evaluation by the SWEDEC EVAL Team before being sent abroad.
EOD and Advanced Military Search Company
The Company handle MC, CMD, IEDD and BCMD disposals and the unit includes advanced search teams and K9 teams: The unit EOD teams have full spectrum capability of explosive threats. The UMD and CBRN cases are the responsibilities of the Navy EOD Unit and National CBRN Defence Centre.
A Centre With Unique Resources
SWEDEC is an internationally recognized actor in the field of mechanical demining systems. At our test range, we implement mechanical demining tests and confirm the results by standardized testing methods. Our facilities have a large number of training options for training and testing. The Centre disposes in-door capacity where we perform testing and training regardless of weather and temperature conditions.
Additionally, SWEDEC provides training for the Swedish National Police Bomb Squads. Working together with all Swedish authorities and agencies containing EOD capability, we manage to create a solid platform for possibilities of interoperability in case of national crisis or war. This is an outspoken objective for the Swedish Total Defence Concept.