Simplify your CBRNe security with ObSAS
Everyone uses different systems and applications in their work and personal life. To a point where they become a hindrance to handle. Information gets lost in translation and different systems don’t really communicate with each other. On a normal day this isn’t such a big deal but when an environmental incident occurs or CBRNe threat level arises the need for the multiple systems to work seamlessly and accurately becomes paramount.
This is the issue which ObSAS Situational Awareness Systems tackles for you. ObSAS basic idea is to integrate all your devices and systems into one interface. You can monitor, control and command through one single system instead of juggling with multiple different applications. It significantly improves the flow of information to your key stakeholders and field units as well as any other control centres you may have. ObSAS system reduces your response times even to a minimum and you can easily automate most of your system function and actions. One of the most important actions is to share information by sending notifications to key personnel immediately according to pre-set rules and user profiles. ObSAS helps you to make complex things very simple and easy. You have more time to plan, react and resolve the situation when you aren’t stuck and confused with multiple operational systems.

Complete CBRNe and Environmental Monitoring and Safety
Whether you have a single installation (e.g., a recon vehicle, shelter system, or mobile monitoring system) ObSAS will control and manage the real-time data, logging, and platform specific sub systems all in the same interface. Or if you have a full wide area monitoring network, ObSAS will network all monitoring stations with their sensors and devices together and online. Your control centre will display and monitor all your sub systems in the same view as well as any standalone detectors, mobile monitoring stations and 3rd party systems. It is a complete CBRNe and environmental monitoring and safety suite.
If your CBRN Vehicle Units detect a threat or analyse gathered intel your ObSAS Control Centre will immediately show the results. If your shelter system goes into closeup or filtration mode, you will see it in real time in your interface as well as any potential threat the detectors have found. All your mobile units move and stream data in real time from the field wherever they may be. Any Mobile units connected to your ObSAS sub systems can also be seen on the map and their measurements are shown as a part of the subsystem’s view
Communication is the key
Connecting all ObSAS Systems into one large network is no small task which is why we have made sure our systems provide versatile options for transferring all the data. We support wired connections through protected ethernet, Radio or satellite connections, 3G, 4G or 5G connections, WiFi or if you have any special requirements, we can build custom interfacing options specifically for you. ObSAS also fully supports the NATO ATP-45 standard, and it can share the data to your higher level C4I systems.
ObSAS software works just on a basic modern laptop and depending on your needs for modelling, storage, and analysis the server capacity can be customised to match your requirements. Most commonly, say a CBRNe Vehicle System or Mobile Monitoring systems works on a laptop which connects to your network and your ObSAS control centre will feature a much more robust backend and data processing capabilities.
ObSAS can also be installed on your private cloud platform which makes it even more available for your mobile units and ensures the security of the system.

CBRNe Vehicle and Laboratory Systems
ObSAS CBRNe Vehicle Systems are designed to be simple and easy to use while in the confined spaces of a moving vehicle. It integrates all your vehicle systems into the same interface and you can see your detectors, analysers, weather systems, camera systems, vehicle subsystems, electrics and water, life support like air supply and pressure systems in the same ObSAS view. Depending on the system’s properties you can monitor and control them, create pre-set alarms according to systems states and have their events logged for later inspection. ObSAS Vehicle Systems can also be customised for CBRNe analytical mobile laboratory use. You can have the same core system in all your vehicles making data sharing and analysis faster and more efficient.

ObSAS CBRNe Vehicle and Laboratory systems also feature a mission planning, tracking and replay feature where you can plan things beforehand, execute the mission precisely and replay the mission on the map player afterwards with all measurements and events logged exactly where they happened. You can also export the data for external inspection.

Shelter Control Systems
ObSAS Shelter Control System fully integrates your shelter’s features, such as building management systems (BMS), CBRNe and environmental detection systems, door & access control, cameras as well as air intake filtration and indoor air quality & safety. You do not need separate software systems for everything. ObSAS gives you full control on the sub systems and their features and you can automate most of the shelter functions. These automated actions will reduce the response time to any potential threats as well as provide a new level of security when even the more advanced processes do not require human interaction to trigger. Especially, when your threat scenario is a sudden incident, and your shelter is running 24/7 then the ObSAS Shelter Control System is a must. ObSAS will control and ensure the safety of your intake air supply and keeps your indoor air quality good and safe by controlling CO2 removal and CBRN filtration systems based on real-time sensor and detection data. The level of automation can be set according to the application and even depending on the threat level. Things can happen faster and with lower triggers when threat levels are high.
The ObSAS Shelter Control System shows your shelter blueprint with all detectors, air quality systems, pressure sensors, doors, and cameras on the map player where you can easily see what is happening. By clicking individual system/device icons and buttons you get more detailed information on the specific item.

Mobile Monitoring Networks with ObSAS LINK
ObSAS LINK makes creating mobile monitoring networks fast and easy. Just turn on your mobile phone with the ObSAS LINK app and turn on your devices and you instantly start to stream data from the field. It’s as simple as that. You can have multiple different types of devices connected to the same ObSAS LINK client which makes every field unit a real mobile CBRN monitoring station.
Each device has its own view in the user interface showing the measurements in real time and all the data is automatically streamed to your ObSAS Control Centre. If for any reason the connection is lost during the mission the ObSAS LINK client will automatically connect when the network is back and start sending data.
You can also connect your CBRNe briefcase -style solutions or backpack systems easily to your network with ObSAS LINK. This makes the system easier to manoeuvre and you can carry it to new locations without setting up or dismantling any stands or other extra carrying cases. Just pick up the system and set up in a new location.
eMaintenance System
All ObSAS systems come with eMaintenance features, where you can maintain and manage the upkeep of your system. It includes spare parts & consumable lists and stock management, device manuals and detailed instructions on how to perform maintenance. You can schedule maintenance and get reminders of when they are due which helps you keep your systems in perfect working order and prepared for any potential issues. All actions are saved, and maintenance history is documented which is useful for example when discussing issues with the device manufacturers.
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