The year 2020 has been a challenging one for the entire CBRNe, C-IED and EOD community. Our year has been very different from what we expected as well. IB Consultancy and the CBRNe Society, the organizers of the NCT Events series, successfully managed to adapt and enable the CBRNe, C-IED and EOD community to gather at a time when in-person gatherings were discouraged across the world. We started the year by using our resources and network to provide first responders around the world with needed PPE, and we launched a new series of online events, NCT Virtual. Three editions of NCT Virtual successfully took place with different regional focuses: USA in July, Europe in September and Asia in November. By working really hard in 2020 we achieved to maintain the link that unites us all and keep the CBRNe community connected!
2020 in a nutshell
Despite safety measures implemented in the countries where we were supposed to hold our events this year, the NCT Team was determined to keep creating platforms to share and expend knowledge in the CBRNe, C-IED and EOD fields. This is why we decided to launch NCT Virtual: a series of online events inspired by the famous NCT events. Three editions of NCT Virtual successfully took place with different regional focuses: USA in July, Europe in September and Asia in November. By working really hard in 2020 we achieved to maintain and even expand/strengthen the ties that unite us all and keep the CBRNe community connected! We are now looking forward to starting 2021 with a whole new events calendar and are happy to announce that we will be back with our physical NCT events in 2021! The upcoming Non-Conventional Threat series have been designed to respond to the current needs of the CBRNe, C-IED and EOD community in learning, sharing experience, lessons learned and training. Our first events in Europe and the USA will also have a virtual pre-event event in March and April, for our participants to make the most of both physical and online NCT events.
Keeping the CBRNe Community united!
Staying connected is essential for keeping our societies safe in this period of crisis. The COVID-19 crisis is still not entirely over and will probably not be in the near future. If one thing was brought to light with this global pandemic, is that the members of the CBRNe community still have a lot to learn from each other and that collaboration and knowledge sharing are crucial elements when responding to such a crisis. Therefore, NCT will be an important platform to exchange lessons learned and work together with partners from other organizations and countries to better prepare for the next crisis. As part of these efforts, we have launched a new website, where you can find all NCT events, book delegate passes and book meetings with exhibitors and sponsors prior to the (virtual or physical) event!

Kickstart 2021 with NCT PRO Trainings in Asia and The Netherlands!
With most of our larger NCT events postponed to next year, meeting customers was a challenge for industry in 2020. In 2021, NCT will start with two smaller events focused on training: NCT PRO. Smaller training events are allowed in most countries even with the current COVID rules. The Netherlands and Cambodia are two countries that allow such events and will host the first two NCT events of the year. During NCT PRO, teams train using the latest equipment provided by NCT Sponsors. NCT PRO Special Forces in The Netherlands (9-10 February) will focus on the CBRN needs of Special Forces, while NCT PRO Challenge in Cambodia (22-26 March) will focus on EOD/Demining and Chemical (CBRN) UXOs. In order for these two events to meet the limitations imposed in both countries, they will only open for participating teams and sponsoring companies. No observers or delegates are invited to join.
Get ready for NCT USA, NCT CBRNe Europe and NCT eXplosive Europe: 3 major events combining Conference, Exhibition and PRO Trainings and Virtual events! Discover NCT USA 2021 in Edgewood (MD) and meet with senior leaders and budget holders from all relevant CBRNe federal organizations! NCT USA will welcome the highest decision makers from the national CBRNe, C-IED, EOD Community, again providing a networking and knowledge exchange platform for local & federal first responders, as well as industry leaders in the fields of CBRNe, C-IED and EOD. Over the duration of three days, NCT USA will feature a Conference, Exhibition and the 6th edition of the NCT PRO Trainings. Based on the success of the previous editions, the NCT PRO Trainings will foster interoperability of responders and introduce them to the latest CBRNe, C-IED and EOD technologies. To allow our participants to make the most of both physical and virtual events, NCT Virtual USA 2021 will be organised on March 2-3 as a pre-event for NCT USA!

Join our 350+ delegates at NCT CBRNe Europe 2021!
Europe’s largest CBRNe event is coming to Italy for the first time at the Italian Joint NBC Defense School in Rieti! Once again NCT will be the leading forum for European and international CBRN Defense Commanders, civil first responders, law enforcement agencies and industry representatives to exchange knowledge on future mission requirements, research and development and next generation CBRNe threats. In addition to the conference and exhibition, teams of first responders will have the opportunity to train on CBRNe scenarios during the NCT PRO Trainings. Teams from all over Europe will be trained based on their requirements using the newest technologies provided by participating companies.
Join us for the must attend eXplosive event in Europe!
After successful editions in Serbia and The Netherlands, NCT eXplosive Europe will be hosted at the Italian Joint NBC Defense School in Rieti, Italy, for a three-days event featuring a conference, exhibition and trainings for first responders in the field of C-IED, EOD and demining. The three-days event will focus on knowledge exchange, networking and operational training with the goal of strengthening our defense capabilities against the threat posed by explosive devices. During the NCT PRO Trainings, teams of C-IED and EOD first responders from all over Europe will be trained based on their requirements using the newest technologies provided by participating companies. Both NCT CBRNe Europe and NCT eXplosive will have their virtual pre-event combined in one NCT Virtual Europe 2021 on March 31 – April 1!