Bruker Launches the OMEGA 5 FT-IR Gas Analyzer


Bruker announced the launch of the novel OMEGA 5 Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) based Gas Analyzer. OMEGA 5 allows for automated, high-precision and real-time monitoring of gas concentrations even in complex gas mixtures. It is designed for various applications like process surveillance in production lines, investigation of catalytic processes, determination of gas impurities and scientific research.

OMEGA 5 is a 19 inch rackmount box gas analyzer equipped with a multi-reflection gas cell of 5 m optical path length. This gas cell can be heated up to 191°C and pressure as well as temperature of the target gas are automatically displayed and taken into account during the quantification with the gas analysis software OPUS GA. The optics of OMEGA 5 is sealed and purgeable which enables to constantly minimize the concentration of atmospheric interfering compounds like water and carbon dioxide. With the DryPathTM option it is even possible to keep these atmospheric interfering compounds at the lowest level without the need for an external purge gas.

Read more about this news here.

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