Bruker Introduces Vutara™ VXL Best-in-Class Super-Resolution Microscope and Spatial Biology Analysis Capabilities


Accessible 3D Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy for Studying Subcellular Organelles and Spatial Multiomics. The new system opens an affordable and easy-to-use path for both core facilities and individual investigators to enter the world of super-resolution imaging by incorporating Bruker’s industry-leading single-molecule localization (SML) technology in a streamlined system with compact footprint. Vutara VXL serves as a biological microscopy workstation for research on DNA, RNA and proteins, from macromolecular complexes and super-structures, to chromatin structure and chromosomal substructures, to studying functional relationships in genomes and in various subcellular organelles. This novel system also supports advanced spatial biology research in extracellular matrix structures, extracellular vesicles (EV), virology, neuroscience, and live-cell imaging.

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