North America's leading joint conference, exhibition, and training event - NCT USA - has taken place in Edgewood, MD, from September 3-5 at Aberdeen Proving Ground's Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility. The event was co-hosted by the...
By Alexis J. Gartner
Alexis J. Gartner outlines the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s work on weapons of mass destruction non-proliferation in USSOUTHCOM’s area of responsibility. Haga clic en este enlace para leer este artículo en español.
Hensoldt South Africa has introduced its new RES9000 radar electronic surveillance solution for the detection, location, and analysis of modern radar emitters. The RES9000...
RTsys, the French manufacturer of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) and handheld imaging sonar for EOD divers announces the contract signature with the Slovenian Navy...
Designed to protect platforms from low-level air threats, including drones, RAPIDFire is one of the only air defence systems that can autonomously and automatically...
Por Sr. Ezequiel Germán Ruiz, Oficial de Bomberos en Argentina
En la Argentina, el servicio de bomberos está conformado por dos sistemas bien definidos, como...
By Insp. David Lowe, CBRN Training and Development Manager, UK Police National CBRN Centre, UK
The dignified recovery of people killed in terrorist attacks is...
By Mr. Ludwig De Meersman, Fire Supervisor, Fire & Emergency Services, NATO
INTERPOL is an inter-governmental organization with 195 member countries to help police work...